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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1355
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2020 .15 .6550
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15،
number In Volume 8،
issue Number 78
Stylistic analysis of the poem "Borzonameh Kohan" by Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj
Karam Alirezaei , Farjollah Mousavi (Author in Charge), Alireza Salehi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The poem "Borzonameh Kohan" written by Shamsuddin Ahmad Mir bin Mohammad Kosaj is one of the Iraqi style poets in the eighth century AH. In this poem, the poet describes the events related to Borzoo, son of Sohrab and those around him. This article examines the style and content of the poet"s poems from three linguistic, literary and intellectual perspectives. The main question of the research is what are the most important stylistic features of Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj in the ancient Borzunameh system?
METHODOLOGY: The method of data collection in this article is based on library studies and research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner
FINDINGS: Kosaji, in accordance with the epic style of poetry in Persian literature, composed the poem Borzunameh Kohan and is one of the talented poets of the Iraqi style who has succeeded in following the previous poetic styles.
CONCLUSION: At the linguistic level, the poet frequency has used weight of Motaqareb Mosamman mahzuf and rhymes and rows of nouns, present, letters, adverbs and pronouns. At the lexical and syntactic level, the use of prefixes, suffixes and ancient words, Turkish, Greek, special words and various terms can be seen in his poetry. At the literary level, in proportion to the epic and didactic content, the use of various imaginary forms of simile, metaphor, pun and spiritual novelty, proportion and exaggeration has a lot of style. At the intellectual level, in addition to the epic theme, which is its main subject, he has paid attention to educational themes such as praise, anti-worldliness, glory and complaint, prayer and supplication, and reference to ancient customs and beliefs.
Borzunameh Kohan
, Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj
, Stylistic analysis
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